SMS Marketing Best Practices to Convert More Customers

SMS Marketing Best Practices to Convert More Customers

September 17, 2024

SMS Marketing Best Practices to Convert More Customers

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Build customer loyalty.
Scale cost-efficiently.

66% of customers prefer to use text messages to engage with companies. Since text is more accessible, 37.5% of customers actually wish for brands to use text message marketing. 

But here’s the challenge: with up to 98% open rate for text messages—the invincibility of SMS marketing invincibility undoubtedly draws a huge number of marketers to the fray. As a result, customers are bombarded with SMS from e-commerce brands all over the world. 

This means you have to compete for every click and conversion. To stand out from the crowd, you need to use best practices for SMS marketing. 

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of some tried-and-tested best practices for SMS marketing to help you kickstart your next SMS marketing campaign. 

Wait, let’s take care of the law first!


Enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the CAN-SPAM Act covers certain types of SMS marketing. This law sets rules for commercial messages and gives people the right to opt out if they don’t want to hear from you anymore. 

You definitely wouldn’t want to ignore it as the outcome can cost you big time—hefty fines, which can reach up to $51,744 per individual violation. Also, companies may risk being blacklisted by telecom providers if they consistently send unwanted messages.

What you need to do:

  • Make sure your messages aren’t misleading
  • Clearly identify yourself as the sender
  • Always include a way for people to opt-out
  • Respect opt-out requests immediately

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

GDPR is important if you’re doing business in the EU or have customers there. This law regulates how you can collect, store, and use personal data—including for SMS marketing.

What you need to do:

  • Ensure that customers actively opt-in to receive SMS communications by requiring them to check a box or click a button
  • Collect distinct consent for each communication channel (e.g., SMS, email, push notifications).
  • Be transparent about how you’ll use their data
  • Keep data secure and only use it for the purposes they agreed to

TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act)

As per the TCPA, you need to have their express written consent before sending out any marketing messages. 

What you need to do:

  • Get clear consent before sending marketing texts
  • Send marketing messages only during reasonable hours, generally between 8 AM and 9 PM in the recipient's local time zone
  • Keep a record of the consent provided by each customer

Best practices for SMS marketing 

First, introduce yourself!

Imagine receiving a text from a random number with a great offer, but you have no idea who it's from. The first instinct might be to ignore it or, worse, report it. That’s the last thing you want for your brand. 

Therefore, you should introduce yourself in each message to ensure your audience knows exactly who’s reaching out and why they should pay attention.

A simple introduction helps establish credibility and prevents your messages from being mistaken for spam. These are quite handy, especially for two-way messages, as customers hardly reply to unknown numbers. 

See how Dr. Squatch introduces the brand before beginning the message content. 

Seek permission before sending messages

Before you start sending SMS messages, it is crucial to seek permission from the recipient. As mentioned above, the opt-in process is legally required in many regions.

As noted above, regulations like the TCPA are set up in the U.S. to protect consumers from unwanted communication. If you fail to comply with these regulations, you may face fines or penalties.

By having customers opt-in, you confirm that they are interested in hearing from you. It also increases the chances of customers reading your messages and responding to your offers.

💡Pro Tip: Always send a confirmation message whenever someone opts in. This not only reassures them that they’re successfully subscribed, but it also provides an opportunity to thank them and perhaps offer an immediate incentive, like a discount code, to start the relationship on a positive note.

For example, after someone opts in, you could send a message like: "Thank you for subscribing to [Your Brand Name] updates! Enjoy 10% off your next purchase with the code WELCOME10."

Provide opt-out options

In any SMS marketing strategy, you must give recipients an easy way to opt-out. Like opt-in, the TCPA in the U.S. requires that all marketing messages include a clear and simple way for recipients to opt-out. Failing to provide this can result in significant legal penalties.

Also, providing an opt-out option shows that you respect your customers' choices.

At the end of each SMS, include simple, clear instructions on opt-out. A common practice is to add a line like "Reply STOP to unsubscribe."

Don’t send messages too often

96% of customers say that they are occasionally annoyed by brand messages. The number one reason for this annoyance was “messaging too frequently”. 

​​While there’s no one-size-fits-all rule, you can limit your promotional messages to 2-4 monthly messages. This allows you to stay on your customers' radar without overwhelming them. 

This number can vary depending on your industry, your specific audience, and the messages you send. For instance, a daily deal alert might justify more frequent messaging, but less is often more for general updates or promotions.

Time your texts well

To maximize customer engagement, it’s important to send your messages during the hours when your customers are most likely to be receptive. 

Generally, the best times are between 9 AM and 8 PM local time. Sending messages too early in the morning or late at night can come across as intrusive, which can annoy your customers.

To accelerate your campaigns, you can try an all-in-one SMS marketing platform like Plivo CX to automate your messages. It is an AI-powered customer engagement platform that ensures your messages reach the right customer segment at the right time. 

Plus, you can schedule messages whenever you see fit. It also lets you select your preferred channels, set timings, and schedule the campaign. On top of it, with Copywriter AI, you can create highly personalized and nuanced text messages

Most importantly, Plivo CX leverages Plivo’s low-latency premium carrier network, which is spread across 190+ countries. As a result, you can cut down SMS marketing costs by up to 70% while sending timely messages, even if your customers are spread across different regions.

Use simple language 

SMS has a better open rate than email because it is short and simple. Your message should be easy to read and understand at a glance. Complicated words or industry jargon can confuse your audience and reduce the effectiveness of your message.

Here, you can also use Copywriter AI to maintain simple and consistent brand language across all messages. All you have to do is provide Copywriter AI with your objective and determine the goals, parameters, and urgency for your SMS.

After completing this step, you'll get several versions of your message to pick from. You can review and refine these versions before sending the most suitable one.

Avoid extensive informal wording

You may go overboard with slang while trying to appeal to a younger audience–especially with Gen Z. 

However, excessive slang and tonal dilution can obscure your message and come off as inauthentic. Even with younger customers, you should never sacrifice quality for trendiness. 

Instead, aim for a conversational yet professional tone, ensuring your message is universally understood.

Irrelevant Slang Better Alternative
"YOLO, grab this deal!" "Don’t miss out on this deal!"
"This sale is lit!" "This sale is amazing!"
"Srsly, you gotta check this out!" "You need to check this out!"
"No cap, this is fire!" "This is an incredible offer!"
"You’ll be shook by our prices!" "You’ll be surprised by our prices!"

Share relevant, valuable content 

It is crucial to send content relevant to your audience's interests and add value to their experience. Here are some examples of the types of content that work well for different e-commerce brands:

E-commerce Brand Relevant SMS Content
Clothing New arrivals, seasonal promotions, exclusive discounts, limited-time offers, style tips.
Home Decor New collections, sale events, DIY home decor ideas, tips for seasonal decorating.
Makeup Product launches, exclusive offers, makeup tutorials, and tips on achieving certain looks
Tech Product updates, special promotions, how-to guides, and early access to new gadgets.

Segment customers for personalized messages 

34% of customers get annoyed by messages irrelevant to their needs or interests. Generic messages won’t cut it anymore. Customers want a personalized experience. 

You can personalize your messages by segmenting your audience based on purchase history, browsing behavior, demographics, or geographic location. Then, tailor your messages to be more relevant and appealing to each group.

You can try Plivo CX’s Audiences to automate the segmentation process. It syncs contacts from your Shopify store in real time and allows you to segment customers based on unlimited rules.

Audiences provide 360° visibility into your customers, so you can see repeat purchases, holiday shoppers, non-active customers, new leads, etc. This information lets you send highly personalized messages to each group. 

Also, the segment builder is code-free, so anybody on your team can create customer segments.

Add links as CTA

Including links in your SMS messages is a powerful way to drive immediate action from your customers. 

Links allow customers to access the content or offer you’re promoting instantly, making it easier for them to take action. By adding links as CTAs, you can also track clicks and measure the effectiveness of your campaign in real time.

Ensure your message indicates what the customer should do next, such as "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Get Offer.” Use URL shorteners to keep your messages clean and concise. This also helps you stay within the SMS character limit.

Add MMS and emojis

Incorporating Multimedia Messaging Services (MMS) such as images, videos, or GIFs, and emojis into your SMS marketing can make your messages more engaging and visually appealing. These elements can help your brand stand out in a crowded inbox and convey your message more effectively.

For e-commerce brands, MMS is a terrific way to visually display new arrivals, special offers, or product details.

On the other hand, emojis can add a touch of personality and emotion to your messages, making them feel more relatable and fun. However, it’s important to use them strategically and not overdo it.

Using Plivo CX: Maximize the impact of these best practices for SMS marketing

All the SMS marketing best practices we've discussed are crucial for connecting with your audience effectively. But to implement these strategies seamlessly, you benefit from a powerful platform like Plivo CX.

Plivo CX is equipped to handle your SMS marketing needs across the globe, with a carrier network that spans 190+ countries. Whether you’re reaching out to customers for a holiday sale or a special promotion, the platform ensures your messages are always delivered at the right time.

Here’s what Plivo CX offers:

  • Audiences: Create precise customer segments using both static and dynamic lists and unlimited rules
  • Journeys: Send timely messages triggered by specific customer actions, like abandoned carts or recent purchases
  • MMS & Emojis: Enhance your messages with multimedia content and emojis to make your campaigns more engaging and visually appealing
  • Campaigns: Easily manage and execute large-scale SMS campaigns with Plivo CX’s user-friendly interface
  • Copywriter AI: Generate compelling SMS copy tailored to your goals, brand tone or urgency level

With Plivo CX, you can easily manage everything from segmenting your audience to sending targeted, timely messages that resonate with your customers. 

Sign up for Plivo CX today to learn more!

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